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Leadership Development Workshops
You expect your leaders to execute your strategy and encourage and grow other professionals. We believe that the best leaders are cultivated through a developmental journey that is embarked upon with purpose and commitment. By the end of this journey, your improved leaders are armed with the skills and confidence to achieve your company's goals.

Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to move from managing employees to leading, inspiring, and developing great teams.
What topics are covered?
Situational Leadership
Meaningful Conversations
1-1 Coaching

What is the time commitment?
Varies, based upon the workshops selected as part of your developmental journey.
What's in it for the participant?
You will learn how to better communicate with your team and how to motivate others to success. The workshops are designed to get you on a level playing field with your peers.

What to expect?
Expect to face the truth! These workshops and private coaching will require you to acknowledge your current style, learn how others perceive you as a leader, and discover where your opportunities for improvement lie.
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